Home > Product > Drill Jumbo > CY-T111 Micro Intelligent Drill Jumbo

    CY-T111 Micro Intelligent Drill Jumbo

    The most powerful unit of the single boom drill jumbos. Segment for small dimension tunnels. Adopting modular design, it can be convenienty disassembled and assembled, and wth the maximum width of only 0.98m, t can meet the requirements ofdown-hole operation in a smal cage shaft. Driven by a dese engine and provided with a hydraulc whel four-wheel drive ariculated chasis and a large arm theposture of which can be adiusted during walking, t has the advantages of smal turtino radius. strond passina canabilily. and good maneuverability and can walk freely in a small-section tunnel.Wireless remote control enabies more inteligent and comfortable operation, safer and more eficient construction, and easier and more convenientmaintenance: hydraulic system has automatic dil arm levelng, ant-amming, ant-iding , and tapping functions, and is appicable to boring of tunnel with asecion of 3.9mx3.6m W xH), and when provided with an inteligent control system of drl rig, t enables one-touch automatic ful-section drling according to thetesioned hol patern and is a brelerred borind apuromenl lor sma and meduim ized mines in realze mechanizalon and inteedlualizaton
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    Drill Jumbo
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    2023-12-28 14:02:34
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I . Modular design for convenient disassembly and assembly

Modular design is adopted according to the functions of the machine to realizerapid disassembly and assembly.

With the maximum width of only 0.98m. it is applicable to down-hole transport insmall (W > 1m) cage shaft.

Il . High protection grade to enable more stable syStem operation andlonger service life of parts and components

The machine control system has automatic drilling. automatic regression.automatic anti-jamming, and automatic anti-idling functions, effectively improvingdrilling efficiency and lengthening the service life of rock drill and drilling rig;With high protection grade of electrical system and protection level of sensor notlower than iP67. it is designed for high-heat and water-rich environment and canoperate safely and reliably on a long-term basis in water-rich, and other severeenvironment with terrestrial heat of mines.

Ill. High intelligence

lt can image.pngrecord the quantity of holes, the drilling depth, and various operatingparameters of system in real time, and is provided with an intelligent control systemto enable one-touch automatic full-section drilling according to the designed holepattern.

V. Translational motion of mechanical double triangle arm to ensureaccuracy and reliability

Mechanical double triangle translational motion mechanism is adopted, with fullhydraulic control to enable translational motion of working mechanism, ensuringhigh reliability and realizing translational motion of drill arm in a convenient andaccurate way;

Translational motion can be relieved by one touch and arm angle can beseparately adjusted to realize drilling of oblique holes.

V. Articulated chassis, independent four-wheel drive, automatic slipproof

Articulated chassis is adopted to enable rotation of drill arm, with small turningradius to realize flexible, rapid, and safe walking in channel;

With independent four-wheel drive to provide strong power, it is able to climb a30'slope with good pavement conditions;

Four wheel motors are provided with speed sensors. and in case of differentialamong four wheels, slip-proof control system will force the four wheels to runsynchronously and strengthen the passing capability of the vehicle, and meanwhilemotor overspeed protection is realized through speed monitoring.






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